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What is our Shipping Time and Delivery Expectations?

The shipping duration for your order may vary based on the brand. Order processing will take up to 1-3 days. Occasional unexpected delays might occur. Generally, products are expected to arrive within 4-7 days. If there's an extended shipping period, it will be clearly indicated on the product page. We take pride in offering industry-leading processing and shipping times, coupled with exceptional customer service.

What Payment Options do we accept?

We accept various payment methods, including Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), and digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay.

What is our Return Policy?

Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee applies to all items. For comprehensive details, refer to our 30-Day Return Policy available at the bottom of our page.

What is our Cancellation Policy?

Orders can be fully canceled before shipping for a refund. Contact us promptly at to cancel. Orders already shipped are subject to our 30-Day Return Policy.

What if your product arrives Damaged?
Please inspect the packaging of your item(s) when they arrive, if you notice any damage you should make note of it when signing for delivery. If your item(s) do arrive damaged, please send photos to and we will work with the manufacturer in getting it fixed. If you item(s) do arrive damaged, the damage must be reported with 48 hours.
How to Place an Order?

To order online, click “Add To Cart” on your desired product, then complete checkout. For phone orders, call us at (833) 354-2275 for immediate confirmation and processing.

How to Track Your Order?

After placing your order, you'll receive an email confirming the transaction and providing shipping details. Your order will be processed immediately, and a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number will follow once it leaves our warehouse. Out-of-stock items will be notified within one business day. We aim to keep all listed products in stock, but high demand can lead to quick sell-outs.

How to know your order is confirmed? 

Each order placed will generate an order confirmation email. We recommend printing and saving this for your records. Ensure your email address is accurate to receive this confirmation.

What products hae include Sales Tax?

We're based in Texas and charge sales tax only on orders shipped within Texas, offering potential savings for customers outside the state.

How to Change Your Order?

To modify your order without extra charges, email us at Any price differences will be adjusted on your card or a custom invoice will be sent. Note, changes can only be made before shipping.

For immediate order assistance, reach us at or call (833) 354-2275.